X3 Health has a dream to transform how the world views “healthcare,” one individual at a time. We combine western, functional, and alternative medicine in order to provide a truly holistic, customized approach to individualized health and wellness. We prioritize your goals and needs every step of the way.

At X3 Health, we strive to help you create internal alignment of the mind, body, and spirit to promote external harmony.

Everyone has their own journey. We create a unique environment where we prioritize our client’s individual goals and offer solutions for continuous progress over perfection, in order to create long-term success.

We address the physiologic processes and symptoms in your body, as well as factors in your mental and spiritual realms that may unknowingly be preventing you from reaching your goals. We understand that our outer world is often a reflection of our inner world, and therefore we strive to address all of these aspects.

The X3 Philosophy is based on the idea that each factor (mind, body, and spirit) deserves intentional recognition as part of the whole. When attention is dedicated to each area, it creates overall alignment and harmony, thus, allowing you to live a more optimized and fulfilled life.

At X3 Health, we offer an environment where we prioritize our clients and encourage awareness & intention over perfection. We implement strategies that address all areas of your life, including lifestyle changes, supplements, treatments, and/or medications, depending on your specific needs.

We utilize a comprehensive intake process that focuses on your current symptoms and goals. We then obtain a thorough medical and overall lifestyle history, and determine the next best steps to take. This may involve reviewing any current test results, ordering new labs and/or genetic testing or imaging studies, as well as determining if you may benefit from any specialized health care professional referrals. Based on these results and your goals, a program is tailored to guide you to success.

When you join X3 Health, you can expect exceptional care and personalized-programming every step of the way.



Medical Guidance

Lifestyle & Mindset Coaching

Life Coaching

Metabolic Optimzation

Quality of Life Enhancement

Community & Support


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