Our mind is where the magic is! The more we learn about the mind, the more we understand just how much it plays a role in what is going on both inside and outside of our bodies.

Our thoughts create our feelings. Our feelings then create our actions, inactions, and reactions and these then create the external results we see in our lives.

It is where our past, present, and future versions of ourselves live. Our mind is where we hold our power.

At X3 Health, we focus on becoming aware of this power, and utilizing mind-body connection, which can truly affect how we experience this life we live.


We get one life to live and one body in which to live it. Our bodies are the physical containers within which we are able (or not able) to navigate this beautiful world!

Our body determines what we can and cannot physically do (with the help of our mind), and it can either break down prematurely, or provide us the structure within which we can live into the later years of our lives.

While uncontrollable things (genetics) contribute to the underlying bodily structure we own, many factors such as exposure, lifestyle, and our choices contribute to the overall bodily structure we create.

Ultimately, all of these factors affect the life we experience.


Simply put, our spirit is our purpose. While the word “spirit” can hold a religious connotation, we use the term to describe our deeper meaning. Our spirit or soul, is our connection to a more meaningful, higher power in this life.

Our connection to spirit is why we exist. It is what brings meaning to everything we do and experience. It can be found in connection with ourselves, with others, and with a deeper, universal, meaning or purpose.

At X3health, we help you find and connect with your spirit and your purpose. In doing so, we empower you to create more joy and happiness in your experience here on Earth.



Dr. Parrish Moree, M.D.

Dr. Parrish Moree, Board Certified Urologist, Life Coach

Dr. Parrish Moree is a board-certified urologist with a special interest in functional, integrative, and anti-aging medicine as well as functional nutrition. She is actively pursuing additional board certification in these areas through the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. She recently completed her certification with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. In addition, Dr. Moree is a certified coach with the Life Coach School.

After 10 years of traditional urologic practice, Dr. Moree chose to learn more about alternative ways to offer solutions to her patients and clients. She realized not all people want the standard American solution consisting of prescription medications and/or surgery. In hopes of being able to offer more, she has broadened her educational journey and created a business to support that mission.

X3 Health offers individualized programs to support each person at every stage in their life, based on their current needs. Dr. Moree is proud to offer a variety of solutions to support your goals, depending on what is most important to you. Enter your email below to find out more.

Urologist - Board Certified

Life Coach - Life Coach School

IIN Graduate (July 2023)

Andrew Weil Integrative Medicine Fellow (Current)

Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine Fellow (Current)

US Air Force Reserves - Lt. Colonel / Credentialed Flight Doctor

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